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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

54 percent of Saudis suffer from cholesterol by Alyaa ElMahdy

JEDDAH: The Saudi Heart Association revealed a study it conducted among 5,457 patients suffering from high cholesterol in the Kingdom. According to sources, the study aimed at examining the treatments provided to patients and their effectiveness. It also hopes to provide standards for treatment of the disease in all hospitals.
The association conducted the study after noting an increased number in cases of cholesterol victims around the world and in the Kingdom, with 54 percent of the Saudi population suffering from high cholesterol levels.
Dr. Khalid Al-Nimr, head of the Saudi Heart Association, attributed this percentage to the lifestyle, which includes excessive eating of unhealthy food, few physical activities, and neglecting to check the level of cholesterol while doing general checks.
Al-Nimr advised patients with high cholesterol levels to follow a healthy diet and do some sport activities. This, he said, is important to reduce the risk of having heart illnesses — the number one cause of death in the world.
He also advised patients to strictly stick to the medications prescribed to them by doctors to minimize cholesterol levels.
The Saudi Heart Association conducted the study with the help of local and international bodies in order to study the level of control among cholesterol patients in the Kingdom who are taking medications to reduce cholesterol levels. The study will shed light on the treatment methods in use and how much these adhere to international medical standards.
The study also aims at increasing the level of awareness among patients who failed to control their high levels of cholesterol, urging them to change their lifestyle.
Al-Nimr said that results of the study would be announced during the international conference for heart diseases held this week by the American Heart Association in Orlando, Florida.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

تأجيل حبس ليندساي لوهان للانتهاء من التصوير عارية


ذكرت مجلة "بيبول" الأمريكية أن القاضية ستفانى سوتنر سمحت للمثلة والمغنية لينزي لوهان بتأجيل تنفيذ الحكم بالحبس...

لينزي لوهان
ذكرت مجلة "بيبول" الأمريكية أن القاضية ستفانى سوتنر سمحت للمثلة والمغنية لينزي لوهان بتأجيل تنفيذ الحكم بالحبس 30 يوما حتى تتمكن من تنفيذ اتفاقها مع مجلة Play boy الخليعة والذى ينص على ظهورها عارية على صفحاتها مقابل نحو مليون دولار.
وكانت إحدى محاكم لوس أنجيلس قضت بحبس لوهان لمدة 30 يوما بسبب عدم احترامها فترة الخدمة العامة التى قضت بها نفس المحكمة بدلا من حبسها لمدة 270 يوما بتهمة سرقة عقد ذهبى من محل للمجوهرات.
بالوقت نفسه، أكدت مصادر قضائية أن لوهان قد لا تستطيع تنفيذ العقوبة بسبب امتلاء السجون فى لوس أنجيلس بالمحكوم عليهم.
وكانت لوهان قد حضرت جلسة محاكمتها وهى ترتدى فستانا أسود منقط بالأبيض شبه عاري، غير أنها بدت مع ذلك فى غاية الأدب والالتزام إذ أعلنت عن احترامها لقرار المحكمة بالحبس لمدة 30 يوما.
وحذرت القاضية لوهان من أنه فى كل يوم ستتأخر فيه فى تنفيذ العقوبة الجديدة ستعاقب عليه بيوم مماثل بالعمل فى مشرحة وهى أكثر ما تخاف منه لوهان.

موقع عمرو اديب

Friday, November 4, 2011

اخبار ازمة اليونان : حكومة باباندريو تنجو من اقتراع لحجب الثقة في البرلمان

نجا ئيس الوزراء اليوناني جورج باباندريو الجمعة من اقتراع لحجب الثقة عن حكومته في البرلمان.

ونجح باباندريو في تهدئة عصيان داخل حزبه الحاكم، حزب باسوك اليساري، متعهدا بتشكيل حكومة اتئلافية تضمن صفقة انقاذ مالي مهمة لانقاذ البلاد من الافلاس ومعالجة الازمة الاقتصادية لمنطقة اليورو، مشيرا إلى انه مستعد للاستقالة.

وصوت الأعضاء اليساريون في البرلمان اليوناني لصالح بقاء حكومة باباندريو بـ 153 صوتا من أصل 300 عدد أعضاء البرلمان اليوناني.

وكانت حكومة باباندريو تعرضت لتهديد الأسبوع الحالي في أعقاب تعهده بإجراء استفتاء شعبي على برنامج الانقاذ الاوروبي.

لكن الحكومة تخلت عن اقتراح الاستفتاء الخميس بعدما أظهرت الأسواق والقادة الأوروبيون غضبهم من الفكرة.

وابلغ باباندريو البرلمان انه سيذهب الى الرئيس اليوناني يوم السبت لبحث تشكيل حكومة ذات قاعدة عريضة تؤمن خطة الانقاذ التي يبلغ حجمها 130 مليار يورو، مضيفا انه مستعد لمناقشة من الذي سيرأس حكومة جديدة.

وقال قبل تصويت البرلمان على الثقة في حكومته "اخر شيء اهتم بي منصبي. لا اهتم حتى اذا لم تتم اعادة انتخابي. حان الوقت لبذل جهد جديد.. لم افكر في السياسة قط على انها مهنة.


وكان باباندريو قد واجه عصيانا داخل حزبه، حزب باسوك اليساري الحاكم، حول فكرته بطرح موضوع برنامج الانقاذ الاوروبي للاستفتاء العام، وهو ما تسبب في فوضى في اسواق المال العالمية.

ويقول مراسل بي بي سي في العاصمة اليونانية غافين هيويت إن اليونان شهدت في الـ 24 ساعة الاخيرة العديد من الصراعات ومحاولات عقد الصفقات السياسية.

يذكر ان حزب باباندريو يتمتع باغلبية ضئيلة جدا في البرلمان اليوناني لا تتعدى مقعدين (152 من 300 مقعد).

وبينما اضمحلت احتمالات اجراء الاستفتاء العام، ما زال الغموض يحيط بمستقبل حكومة باباندريو حتى في حال فوزه بتصويت الثقة اليوم حيث ما زالت تتعالى الاصوات الداعية لاستقالته.

وكان من شأن التطورات الدراماتيكية الحاصلة في اثينا ان خيمت على قمة دول العشرين المنعقدة لليوم الثاني في منتجع كان الفرنسي الساحلي.

"دوافع مشبوهة"

وقد المح عدد من نواب حزب باباندريو الى احتمال ان يتخلوا عنه في التصويت على الثقة المقرر اجراؤه حوالي العاشرة من مساء الجمعة بتوقيت غرينتش.

ولكن مراسل بي بي سي مارك لوين يقول إن بعضا من هؤلاء قد يعودوا الى تأييد رئيس الحكومة بعد ان تخلى عن فكرة الاستفتاء.

وبدت الانقسامات داخل حزب باباندريو واضحة جدا عندما قال وزير ماليته ايفانجيلوس فينيزيلوس للنواب إن على اليونان التأكيد انها لن تجري الاستفتاء.

وقال الوزير إن على اليونان عمل كل ما في وسعها لتطمين شريكاتها بأنها تنوي تطبيق برنامج الانقاذ فورا ودون ابطاء

من جانبه، قال باباندريو للصحفيين إن الاستفتاء لم يكن هدفا بحد ذاته، وان هناك خياران آخران: اجراء انتخابات قال إنه ستؤدي الى افلاس البلاد، او توافق في البرلمان. ودعا الى المعارضة البرلمانية الى الدخول في مفاوضات من اجل تشكيل حكومة ائتلافية.

ولم تتضح الاستراتيجية التي يتبعها حزب الديمقراطية الجديدة المعارض، فزعيمه انتونيس ساماراس طالب باباندريو يوم الخميس باجراء انتخابات فورية، قام بعدها بالخروج من قاعة البرلمان ومعه نواب حزبه.

وشكك ساماراس في دوافع باباندريو من وراء الدعوة الى تشكيل حكومة ائتلافية، إذ قال: "انا اتعجب. السيد باباندريو كاد ان يدمر اليونان واوروبا، ناهيك عن عملة اليورو واسواق المال العالمية وحزبه. كل ذلك من اجل ماذا؟ لكي يبتزني ويبتز الشعب اليوناني؟ ام لاجباري على القبول بان برنامج الانقاذ لا غنى عنه؟"

وقال النائب في حزب الديمقراطية الجديدة سيموس كيديكاوغلو لبي بي سي إنه بينما يؤيد الحزب الالتزام ببرنامج الانقاذ الاوروبي، فإن ذلك لا يعني انه يؤيد بقاء باباندريو رئيسا للحكومة.

ولذا فستستمر التكهنات حول مصير باباندريو حتى في حال فوزه بثقة البرلمان.

ونقلت وكالة رويترز للانباء عن مصادر في الحكومة اليونانية قولها إن باباندريو وافق في اجتماع لمجلس الوزراء عقد امس الخميس على التنحي حال نجاح المفاوضات مع المعارضة على تشكيل ائتلاف جديد.

وقال مصدر حكومي لرويترز: "قيل له إنه يجب ان يتنحى بهدوء لكي ينقذ حزبه، وقد وافق على التنحي. كان الحديث حضاريا لم يتسم بالحدة."

من جانبه، قال رئيس المفوضية الاوروبية جوسيه مانويل باروسو لبي بي سي يوم الجمعة إنه يتوقع تشكيل حكومة وحدة وطنية في اليونان تتكفل "بحل مشاكل البلاد الاقتصادية."

وقال باروسو إنه من مصلحة اليونان البقاء ضمن مجموعة اليورو، واضاف "نريدهم ان يبقوا (داخل منطقة اليورو)، ولكن في نهاية المطاف الامر متروك لهم."

استدعاء الى كان

وكان الاتفاق الذي ابرمه رئيس الحكومة في الاسبوع الماضي مع الاتحاد الاوروبي حول انقاذ الاقتصاد اليوناني قد صور على انه انجاز كبير، ولكن باباندريو ضيع هذا الانجاز عندما اعلن عن نيته استفتاء الشعب حوله (بما فيه البنود الخاصة بالتقشف، التي يعارضها اليونانيون معارضة شديدة.)

وقد استدعي رئيس الحكومة اليونانية على عجل الى كان حيث يجتمع قادة الدول العشرين، حيث اخبره زعيما المانيا وفرنسا ان اي استفتاء سيثير التساؤل حول رغبة اليونان بالبقاء ضمن مجموعة دول اليورو.

كما قرر الزعيمان التحفظ على صرف الدفعة المستحقة من برنامج الانقاذ - البالغة 8 مليارات يورو - الى ما بعد موعد اجراء الاستفتاء.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

هيو غرانت يرتبط بصديقة جديدة تصغره 30 عاما..بالصور

  بعد أسابيع قليلة فقط من ولادة طفلته، ارتبط الممثل البريطاني الشهير هيو غرانت (51 عاما) بصديقة جديدة وهي مغنية جاز ألمانية تصغره بثلاثين عاما.
وذكرت صحيفة "ميرور" البريطانية الشعبية اليوم الخميس أنه قبل يوم واحد من تأكيده علنيا أنه أصبح أبا للمرة الأولى بعدما أنجبت له الممثلة الصينية تينغلانغ هونغ (32 عاما) طفلة، دعا الممثل صديقته الجديدة إليزا شميت لاحتساء النبيذ وتناول العشاء معا في برلين قبل أن يقبلها بحرارة وهما جالسان في المقعد الخلفي لسيارة أجرة.
ومن المعروف أن غرانت وصديقته الجديدة تواعدا لعدة أسابيع. وبينما قالت إليزا (21 عاما) مساء أمس إنها وغرانت "ليسا أكثر من صديقين مخلصين"، إلا أنهما شوهدا - حسب الصحيفة ألأمانية - متشابكي الأيدي و"في لحظات انسجام يتبادلان القبلات الحارة".
وقال المصدر ان: "إليزا علمت بولادة طفلة لهيو قبل أن يعلن ذلك بفترة كبيرة (...) إنها تعتقد أن ذلك شيئا رائعا وتعرب عن فرحتها من أجله". وكتبت إليزا على مدونتها مساء أمس الأربعاء في إشارة إلى ما تردد عن علاقتها بغرانت: "شائعات ، شائعات ، شائعات".
وسافر غرانت أمس من برلين إلى لندن في المنزل الذي تبلغ قيمته 2. 1 مليون جنيه استرليني أعده لتينغلانغ وطفلتهما التي أصبح عمرها الآن 5 أسابيع . وقال: "لقد حصلت على إجازة 24 ساعة من التصوير في ألمانيا (...) لقد جئت لأرعى ابنتي".
ولم يدخل غرانت الذي يمتلك نحو 40 مليون جنيه استرليني في علاقة جادة منذ انفصاله عن سيدة المجتمع الثرية جميما خان عام 2007 . أما علاقته السابقة التي استمرت 13 عاما بعارضة الأزياء والممثلة ليز هيرلي (46 عاما) فقد انتهت عام 2000 .


موقع البيت بيتك


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Robin’s 73 Best Business and Success Lessons

Robin's 73 Best Business and Success Lessons
The 73 Best Lessons I've Learned for Leadership Success in Business and Life ?By Robin Sharma, author of the international bestseller "The Leader Who Had No Title"
1. You can really Lead Without a Title.
2. Knowing what to do and not doing it is the same as not knowing what to do.
3. Give away what you most wish to receive.
4. The antidote to stagnation is innovation.
5. The conversations you are most resisting are the conversations you most need to be having.
6. Leadership is no longer about position – but passion. It's no longer about image but impact. This is Leadership 2.0.
7. The bigger the dream, the more important to the team.
8. Visionaries see the "impossible" as the inevitable.
9. All great thinkers are initially ridiculed – and eventually revered.
10. The more you worry about being applauded by others and making money, the less you'll focus on doing the great work that will generate applause. And make you money.
11. To double your net worth, double your self-worth. Because you will never exceed the height of your self-image.
12. The more messes you allow into your life, the more messes will become a normal (and acceptable) part of your life.
13. The secret to genius is not genetics but daily practice married with relentless perseverance.
14. The best leaders lift people up versus tear people down.
15. The most precious resource for businesspeople is not their time. It's their energy. Manage it well.
16. The fears you run from run to you.
17. The most dangerous place is in your safety zone.
18. The more you go to your limits, the more your limits will expand.
Continue reading...


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Strategic Planning Process

In today's highly competitive business environment, budget-oriented planning or forecast-based planning methods are insufficient for a large corporation to survive and prosper. The firm must engage in strategic planning that clearly defines objectives and assesses both the internal and external situation to formulate strategy, implement the strategy, evaluate the progress, and make adjustments as necessary to stay on track.
A simplified view of the strategic planning process is shown by the following diagram:
The Strategic Planning Process
Mission &
& Control
Mission and Objectives
The mission statement describes the company's business vision, including the unchanging values and purpose of the firm and forward-looking visionary goals that guide the pursuit of future opportunities.
Guided by the business vision, the firm's leaders can define measurable financial and strategic objectives. Financial objectives involve measures such as sales targets and earnings growth. Strategic objectives are related to the firm's business position, and may include measures such as market share and reputation.
Environmental Scan
The environmental scan includes the following components:
  • Internal analysis of the firm
  • Analysis of the firm's industry (task environment)
  • External macroenvironment (PEST analysis)
The internal analysis can identify the firm's strengths and weaknesses and the external analysis reveals opportunities and threats. A profile of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is generated by means of a SWOT analysis
An industry analysis can be performed using a framework developed by Michael Porter known as Porter's five forces. This framework evaluates entry barriers, suppliers, customers, substitute products, and industry rivalry.
Strategy Formulation
Given the information from the environmental scan, the firm should match its strengths to the opportunities that it has identified, while addressing its weaknesses and external threats.
To attain superior profitability, the firm seeks to develop a competitive advantage over its rivals. A competitive advantage can be based on cost or differentiation. Michael Porter identified three industry-independent generic strategies from which the firm can choose.
Strategy Implementation
The selected strategy is implemented by means of programs, budgets, and procedures. Implementation involves organization of the firm's resources and motivation of the staff to achieve objectives.
The way in which the strategy is implemented can have a significant impact on whether it will be successful. In a large company, those who implement the strategy likely will be different people from those who formulated it. For this reason, care must be taken to communicate the strategy and the reasoning behind it. Otherwise, the implementation might not succeed if the strategy is misunderstood or if lower-level managers resist its implementation because they do not understand why the particular strategy was selected.
Evaluation & Control
The implementation of the strategy must be monitored and adjustments made as needed.
Evaluation and control consists of the following steps:
  1. Define parameters to be measured
  2. Define target values for those parameters
  3. Perform measurements
  4. Compare measured results to the pre-defined standard
  5. Make necessary changes

Supply Chain Management

A supply chain is a network that includes vendors of raw materials, plants that transform those materials into useful products, and distribution centers to get those products to customers.
Without any specific effort to coordinate the overall supply chain system, each organization in the network has its own agenda and operates independently from the others. However, such an unmanaged network results in inefficiencies. For example, a plant may have the goal of maximizing throughput in order to lower unit costs. If the end demand seen by the distribution system does not consume this throughput, there will be an accumulation of inventory. Clearly, there is much to be gained by managing the supply chain network to improve its performance and efficiency.
Decision Variables in Supply Chain Management
In managing the supply chain, the following are decision variables:
  • Location – of facilities and sourcing points
  • Production – what to produce in which facilities
  • Inventory – how much to order, when to order, safety stocks
  • Transportation – mode of transport, shipment size, routing, and scheduling
The Bullwhip Effect
A problem frequently observed in unmanaged supply chains is the bullwhip effect. This effect is an oscillation in the supply chain caused by demand variability. This problem must be addressed in order to avoid the poorer service and higher costs that stem from it.
Inventory Management
Variation in demand increases the challenge of maintaining inventory to avoid stockouts. There exist techniques for inventory management that optimize the performance for a given set of parameters.
Vendor Managed Inventory
An effective way to improve supply chain performance is for the vendor to determine the quantities that should be ordered by its downstream customers, rather than the other way around. This approach is known as Vendor Managed Inventory, abbreviated VMI. While its implementation faces practical challenges, it can be an effective method for reducing inventory and stock-outs.
Accurate Response
In the classical news vendor problem, one must decide the best order quantity that maximizes profits given that some money is lost if all of the units do not sell and given the fact that potential profits are lost if the units sell out. In some situations, a second order can be placed once the sales period begins. Such an opportunity helps one to better match supply and demand, since the first order can be a quantity equal to the expected demand minus a selected number of standard deviations ( 2, for example) below that mean. Of course, any minimum order quantities must be taken into account.
In many industries, the variance in demand is proportional to the variance in the forecasts for that demand. This relationship even exists in stock price forecasting. When this relationship holds, it can be used to estimate the mean demand and its variance, and these values can be used in optimization models.
For seasonal goods such as winter sportswear, which has a short selling season and long lead times, a firm can do several things to better match supply and demand:
  • Additional events can be held before large trade fairs in order to secure orders further in advance.
  • Supplier capacity can be reserved without specifying the exact product mix. This postponement of the final mix has benefits similar to those of postponing product customization until the distribution center.
  • Common parts can be used in designs in order to pool some of the variation between individual demands.
Supply Chain Structure
The performance of a supply chain is measured in terms of profit, average product fill rate, response time, and capacity utilization.
Profit projections may improve if another parameter is relaxed, but one must consider the impact of all aspects of the relaxed parameter on profits.
For example, if customers are lost because response time is too slow, then the profit projections may be artificially high.
Average fill rate can be improved by carrying more inventory in order to reduce stock-outs.
The optimal balance must be achieved between inventory cost and lost profits due to stock-outs.
Response time often can be improved at the expense of higher overall costs. As with fill rate, the optimal trade-off should be found. If response time is sacrificed in order to achieve higher profits, sales forecasts may have to be modified if the elasticity of demand with respect to service is significant at the chosen service levels.
Capacity utilization should be high enough to reduce overhead sufficiently, but not so high that there is no room to grow or to handle fluctuations in demand. Problems often are encountered when capacity utilization exceeds 85%. Lower capacity utilization in effect buys an option for increased output in the future. Higher capacity utilization decreases downside risk since costs are reduced, but also limits the upside gain if future demand should outstrip supply.
To reduce inventory and increase flexibility, some firms have turned to make-to-order production systems. Some companies can reap great benefit from such a system. Make-to-stock is better for other companies, such as those whose customers are not willing to wait for the product.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

مازدا تطرح سيارة جديدة "مازدا 3" فى الولايات المتحدة

سيارات مازدا - صورة ارشيفية  
سيارات مازدا - صورة ارشيفية

أعلنت شركة مازدا عن خطتها لطرح سيارة جديدة من طراز مازدا 3 فى الولايات المتحدة الأسبوع المقبل، والتى تعمل بمحرك الـ   والذى يعتبر أكثر كفاءة فى استهلاك الوقود بنسبة 18%، كما أنها تسير بقوة 40 ميل فى الجالون الواحد.

وصرحت مازدا عن إطلاق موديل جديد من سياراتها الـ سى ماكس   المدمجة التى تعمل بمحرك الديزل فى عام 2013 فى الولايات المتحدة.

وذكر موقع أوتو نيوس أن مازدا باعت 229.566 ألف سيارة فى الولايات المتحدة فى العام الماضى وتتوقع أن تصل مبيعاتها لأكثر من 250 ألف سيارة هذا العام، كما تسعى الشركة لزيادة نسبة مبيعاتها فى الولايات المتحدة 74% فى منتصف هذا العقد.

موقع البيت بيتك

Friday, October 14, 2011

Activities That Can Improve Your Memory

Activities That Can Improve Your Memory:
Physical activity
Diversified consumption of fruits and vegetables
Training the mind
Avoid overload and multiple tasks
Learning new tricks to boost your memory‬
Ways To Prevent Memory Loss
‪As parts of the body get older, and the brain shrinks with age, the neural connections become slowe...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ultrasonic & RF lipolysis and cellulite reduction

Body Contouring Clinic

The most advanced technology,combining the advantage of Ultrasound cavitation, and RF.

The broken fat cells will then be absorbed and metabolized out of human body by lymphatic system.

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Also we use radio frequency to alternate the electric field in the skin from positive to negative. It will produce heat under dermis then the initial collagen denaturation. Subsequent new collagen formation further tightens the dermal tissue and make the skin tightened, smooth and fresh, and free of ugly cellulite.

Its effect will last for a long time, giving you the slimming body you dream of

Blackberry's message goes missing


For the makers of the device whose name became synonymous with messaging, it was a deeply embarrassing 36 hours.
Untold numbers of Blackberry users, first in Europe then in much of the rest of the world, found that their email either slowed or ground to a halt and the BBM service became unavailable.
Worse, the whole incident turned into a business school case study of how not to communicate with your customers - Blackberry simply failed to get its message out. When the problems started to emerge around lunchtime on Monday, social networks were quickly populated with angry and confused customers.
Customers who turned to their mobile phone networks for advice were all directed back to Research in Motion, the Canadian company behind Blackberry. After some hours, RIM used one of its Twitter accounts @Blackberryhelp to 
"Some users in EMEA are experiencing issues. We're investigating, and we apologize for any inconvenience."
EMEA? Where on earth is that? I know, because marketing speak floods my inbox every minute, that it stands for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, but many people will surely have been mystified.
Of course, journalists were bombarding the Blackberry PR team with calls, demanding to know what was going on, how many people were affected, and what was the root cause. By Monday evening, we had nothing more than the brief line already seen on Twitter.

At a technology awards event in London, reporters spotted a gaggle of RIM PR people clustered around their Blackberries - they promised us more news imminently. And at 21:00 this arrived in our inboxes:
"Earlier today, some BlackBerry subscribers in the EMEA region experienced delays with BlackBerry services. The issue was resolved and services are operating normally. We apologize to those customers who were impacted for any inconvenience."
No information then about the extent of the problem or what had caused it, but reassurance that it was all over now, please move along, nothing to see here.
Then late on Tuesday morning, I started getting messages from Blackberry users that the problems had returned - emails weren't arriving, and BBM had ground to a halt again. Worse, it then emerged that users in other parts of the world were now suffering the same experience.
A one-day shutdown might just about be forgiven - especially when the company tells you it has all been sorted. But when it returns on a second day, and there's still no explanation you are trying customers' patience with your product to the limit.
Finally, at 21:53 on Tuesday evening, this arrived from RIM:
"RIM update: The messaging and browsing delays being experienced by BlackBerry users in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, Brazil, Chile and Argentina were caused by a core switch failure within RIM's infrastructure. Although the system is designed to failover to a back-up switch, the failover did not function as previously tested. As a result, a large backlog of data was generated and we are now working to clear that backlog and restore normal service as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience and we will continue to keep you informed."
In other words, a pretty serious failure had occurred in the infrastructure on which the whole Blackberry ecosystem depends. This morning, a new statement tells us that the issue has finally been resolved.
But it took 36 hours for RIM to give the world any explanation of what had happened - and as far as I know the company still has not put anyone up for interview. I'm hearing that some PR executives argued for more openness from the start but were over-ruled by headquarters in Canada.
This strategy - say as little as possible, ruthlessly control the message from the centre - is similar to the one adopted with such success by Apple over the years. But when things go wrong, it looks like a textbook example of how to lose friends and alienate people.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Prince Harry Begins Training In California Apaches

Prince Harry is preparing today for an eight-week program of intensive training in California helicopter.

Course - code-named Crimson Eagle, and should start in El Centro Naval Air organized in the next few days - take the 26-year-old pilot of a step closer to front line duties, told Sky News.

Known as a defensive role as Captain Harry Wales, Prince has always been clear that a prerequisite for its formation Apache helicopter - which has a price £ 1 million (1.54 million) - is returning to the theater.

He was training at the British School of Aviation in the Middle slut, south-west London, but to be set to "Battle Ready" status, Prince Harry to fill a special role during the conversion.

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End of sidebar. Back to the top of the sidebar.

"Education in the United States consists of environmental training, tactical exercises and live firing," St. James Palace spokesman said.

NAF El Centro is the reference range for air combat maneuvering, air-ground artillery, bombing, electronic warfare training and low-level flight.

Britain's military has been training at the base - 140 miles east of San Diego - more than 20 years. Prince's two-month stint to see it working out of the Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Field, another 275 km to the east in neighboring Arizona.

His spare time is limited during the tour, but it is traditional for the Crimson Eagle exercise to take a break halfway to Las Vegas.

After Prince Harry returns home in December, will join a team and gain more experience Apache helicopter flight taking part in exercises around the UK.

Prince Harry of firearms in the Apache helicopter

Prince Harry has his first opportunity to shoot live weapons on its Apache attack helicopter, on his arrival in California, the last phase of his training this weekend.

Prince Harry of firearms in the Apache helicopter

Prince Harry standing in front of an Apache helicopter Photo: AP

Gordon Rayner

By Gordon Rayner, Chief Editor

1:40 BST October 4, 2011

The prince is due to take part in the exercise Crimson Eagle, which provides the Army Air Corps pilots vital experience in live fire exercises on the shores of the great army of California and Arizona.

This is the last phase of a training program to prepare for combat operations in Afghanistan.

The prince, who was promoted to captain earlier this year, is expected to return to Helmand next year, after being there as a forward air controller in 2008.

The power of the army is the Apache based at Naval Air Fund El Centro, near the border with Mexico, where the Crimson Eagle Training lasts about two months.

It is the last part of the conversion of the Prince on the role of the courts, where it adapts to the unique requirements of flying the Apache, which already qualified as a helicopter pilot.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

US Smoking Rates Vary Widely by Profession

September 30, 2011 (Atlanta, Georgia) — Cigarette smoking among working US adults is far more common than average for those with occupations in the construction, restaurant, and transportation industries, and far below average for teachers, scientists, and lawyers, suggests an analysis published in today's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report that put the age-adjusted national mean at 19.1% [1].
The analysis is based on National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data for 2004 to 2010, and shows a smoking prevalence in some occupations well over double the target of <12% put forth by the government's Healthy People 2010 initiative [2], according to the report.
Highest and Lowest Age-Adjusted Rates of Cigarette Smoking Among Working US Adults in 2004–2010 by Occupation Category*
Occupation Smoking prevalence (%) 95% CI
Highest rates    
Construction and extraction 31.4 29.7–33.1
Food preparation and serving 30.0 28.4–31.7
Transportation and material moving 28.7 27.2–30.2
Lowest rates    
Legal 9.4 7.4–11.5
Life, physical, and social science 9.2 7.1–11.2
Education, training, and library 8.7 7.9–9.5
*Excludes occupations in the military.
Broken out by demographics, smoking rates for working adults were highest among:
  • Men (21.5% vs 17.4% for women).
  • Those aged 18–24 (23.8% vs 10.2% for those aged >65; trend for declining rates with increasing age, p<0.05).
  • NonHispanic whites (21.5% vs 17.9% for nonHispanic blacks and 14.2% for Hispanics).
  • The poor (US Census Bureau definition; 27.7% vs 18.1% for the "not poor").
  • Those with less than a high-school education (28.4% vs 9.1% for those with at least a college degree).
  • Those without health insurance (28.6% vs 17.5% for the insured).
"Although workplace policies or exposures to secondhand smoke were not assessed in this study, national surveys have shown that the proportion of smoke-free worksites was lower in agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, and construction and higher in professional and related services."

نصائح و تمارين لشد و جمال الصدر

لصدر مشدود بالصور
الصدر المترهل .. مشكلة أغلب نساء الارض، وباختصار

هذه النصائح تحفظ عن ظهر قلب لكل من تبحث عن جمال صدرها.
1ــ استقامة الظهر دائما، في جلوسك في مشيتك....
2ــ حمالة الصدر يجب ان تكون مريحة وفي مقاسك بالضبط، واياك و الحمالة التي بها سلك حديدي على شكل نصف دائرة.
3ــ في نهاية الدوش رشي دائما صدرك بالماء البارد لانه ينشط الدورة الدموية ، مما يجعله مملوء وبالتالي مشدود
والحيلة الخطيرة تمرري قطعة ثلج لها منافع كثيرة، تنشط الدورة الدموية و تقلص النسيج مما يساعد الثدي يحمل نفسه نفسه تسمى حمالة طبيعية
4ــ وضع حمالة صدر خاصة بالرياضة وقت التمارين
5 ــ ماساج دائما لتجديد الخلايا وتنشيط الدم
6ــ النوم دائماعلى الظهر و التخلى لابد عن عادة النوم على البطن لانها تسطح اصدر بدل جعله بارزا.
7ــ تجنب الرياضات و الحركات العنيفة
8 تجنب تعريضهم للشمس
9ــ تجنب حمل الاثقال
10ــ الماساجات العنيفة نتجنبها التي نلجا اليها لنجعل الكريم او الزيت يدخل بقوة، بل يجب ان يكون هادئا دائريا
11ــ لا نضغط على الصدر بحمل شيء ثقيل بين ايدينا ونضمه الى صدرنا
12ــ تجنب الحمام الساخن فهو العدو رقم واحد لجمال الصدر خصوصا ادا كان طويل المدة
13ــ تجنب الاختلافات المهمة في الوزن يعني مرة سمينة دبدوبة مرة نحيلة
14 تغدية غنية بالبروتينات
15ــ حاولي باستمرار دفع الكتفين الى الوراء
16ــ من تتوفر في البيت على حديدة مثبتة في الحائط تحاول ان تتمسك بها لتعتاد على استقامة الظهر
17ــ نحاول باستمرار ان نقوم بحركات بايدينا فوق الراس لرفع الثديين.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

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WHO | Global atlas on cardiovascular disease prevention and control


Allergy Relief for Your Child

Children are magnets for colds. But when the "cold" won't go away for weeks, the culprit may be allergies.

Long-lasting sneezing, with a stuffy or runny nose, may signal the presence of allergic rhinitis—the collection of symptoms that affect the nose when you have an allergic reaction to something you breathe in and that lands on the lining inside the nose.

Allergies may be seasonal or they can strike year-round (perennial). In most parts of the United States, plant pollens are often the cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis—more commonly called hay fever. Indoor substances, such as mold, dust mites, and pet dander, may cause the perennial kind.

Up to 40 percent of children suffer from allergic rhinitis, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). And children are more likely to develop allergies if one or both parents have allergies.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates both over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medicines that offer allergy relief as well as allergen extracts used to diagnose and treat allergies.

Immune System Reaction

An allergy is a reaction of the immune system to a specific substance, or allergen. The immune system responds to the invading allergen by releasing histamine and other chemicals that typically trigger symptoms in the nose, lungs, throat, sinuses, ears, eyes, skin, or stomach lining, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

In some children, allergies can also trigger symptoms of asthma—a disease that causes wheezing or difficulty breathing.

If a child has allergies and asthma, "not controlling the allergies can make asthma worse," says Anthony Durmowicz, M.D., a pediatric pulmonary doctor in FDA's Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Rheumatology Products.

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Avoiding the Culprit

If your child has seasonal allergies, you may want to pay attention to pollen counts and try to keep your child inside when the levels are high.

In the late summer and early fall, during ragweed pollen season, pollen levels are highest in the morning.

In the spring and summer, during the grass pollen season, pollen levels are highest in the evening.

Some molds, another allergy trigger, may also be seasonal. For example, leaf mold is more common in the fall.

Sunny, windy days can be especially troublesome for pollen allergy sufferers.

It may also help to keep windows closed in your house and car and run the air conditioner when pollen counts are high.

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Allergy Medicines

For most children, symptoms may be controlled by avoiding the allergen, if known, and using OTC medicines. However, if a child's symptoms are persistent and not relieved by OTC medicines, it is wise to see a health care professional to assess your child's symptoms and see if other treatments, including prescription medicines, may be appropriate. Five types of drugs are generally available (see table below) to help bring your child relief.

While some allergy medicines are approved for use in children as young as six months, Dianne Murphy, M.D., director of FDA's Office of Pediatric Therapeutics, cautions, "Always read the label to make sure the product is appropriate for your child's age. Just because a product's box says that it is intended for children does not mean it is intended for children of all ages."

"Children are more sensitive than adults to many drugs," adds Murphy. "For example, some antihistamines can have adverse effects at lower doses on young patients, causing excitability or excessive drowsiness."

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More Child-Friendly Medicines

Recent pediatric legislation, including a combination of incentives and requirements for drug companies, has significantly increased research and development of drugs for children and has led to more products with new pediatric information in their labeling. Since 1997, a combination of legislative activities has helped generate studies in children for 400 products.

Many of the older drugs were only tested in adults, says Durmowicz, "but we now have more information available for the newer allergy medications. With the passing of this legislation, there should be more confidence in pediatric dosing and safety with the newer drugs."

The legislation also requires drugs for children to be in a child-friendly formulation, adds Durmowicz. So if the drug was initially developed as a capsule, it has to also be made in a form that a child can take, such as a liquid with cherry flavoring, rapidly dissolving tablets, or strips for placing under the tongue.

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Allergy Shots

Children who don't respond to either OTC or prescription medications, or who suffer from frequent complications of allergic rhinitis, may be candidates for allergen immunotherapy—commonly known as allergy shots. According to NIAID, about 80 percent of people with allergic rhinitis will see their symptoms and need for medicine drop significantly within a year of starting allergy shots.

After allergy testing, typically by skin testing to detect what allergens your child may react to, a health care professional injects the child with "extracts"—small amounts of the allergens that trigger a reaction. The doses are gradually increased so that the body builds up immunity to these allergens.

Allergen extracts are manufactured from natural substances, such as pollens, insect venoms, animal hair, and foods. More than 1,200 extracts are licensed by FDA.

Some doctors are buying extracts licensed for injection and instructing the parents to administer the extracts using a dropper under the child's tongue, says Jay E. Slater, M.D., director of FDA's Division of Bacterial, Parasitic and Allergenic Products. "While FDA considers this the practice of medicine (and the agency does not regulate the practice of medicine), parents and patients should be aware that there are no allergenic extracts currently licensed by FDA for oral use."

"Allergy shots are never appropriate for food allergies," adds Slater, who is also a pediatrician and allergist. But it's common to use extracts to test for food allergies so the child can avoid those foods.

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Transformation in Treatment

"In the last 20 years, there has been a remarkable transformation in allergy treatments," says Slater. "Kids used to be miserable for months out of the year, and drugs made them incredibly sleepy. But today's products are outstanding in terms of safety and efficacy."

Forgoing treatment can make for an irritable, sleepless, and unhappy child, adds Slater, recalling a mother saying, after her child's successful treatment, "I didn't realize I had a nice kid!"

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FDA-Approved Drug Options for Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever) in Children

Drug Type

How Used

Some Examples of Over-the-Counter (OTC) or Prescription (Rx) Drugs (many are available in generic form)

Common Side Effects





Nasal corticosteroids

Usually sprayed in nose once a day


Stinging in nose

Nasonex (mometasone furoate)

Flonase (fluticasone propionate)





Oral and topical antihistamines

Orally (pills, liquid, or strip placed under the tongue), nasally (spray or drops), or eye drops

Oral OTC:

Some antihistamines may cause drowsiness

Benadryl (diphenhydramine)


Chlor-Trimeton (chlorpheniramine)


Allegra* (fexofenadine)

Some nasal sprays may cause a bitter taste in mouth, headache, and stinging in nose

Claritin* (loratadine)

Zyrtec* (cetirizine)

Oral Rx:

Clarinex (desloratadine)

Nasal Rx:

Astelin (azelastine)

* non-sedating






Orally and nasally (some-times taken with antihistamines, which used alone do not treat nasal congestion)

Oral Sudafed (pseudoephedrine*), Sudafed PE (phenylephrine)

Using nose sprays or drops more than a few days may cause "rebound" effect, in which nasal congestion gets worse

Oral Rx:

Allegra D, which has both an antihistamine (fexofenadine) and decongestant (pseudoephedrine*)

Nasal OTC:

Neo-Synephrine (phenylephrine)

Afrin (oxymetazoline)

* Drugs that contain pseudoephedrine are non-prescription but are kept behind the pharmacy counter because of their illegal use to make methamphetamine. You'll need to ask your pharmacist and show identification to buy these drugs.





Non-steroidal nasal sprays

Nasally used 3–4 times a day


Stinging in nose or sneezing; can help prevent symptoms of allergic rhinitis if used before symptoms start

NasalCrom (cromolyn sodium)


Atrovent (ipratropium bromide)





Leukotriene receptor antagonist

Orally once a day (comes in granules to mix with food, and chewable tablets)


Headache, ear infection, sore throat, upper respiratory infection

Singulair (montelukast sodium)

This article appears on FDA's Consumer Updates page, which features the latest on all FDA-regulated products.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

لماذا تخشى بعض السيدات من تأثير الرضاعة على مظهر الثدي؟


أثبتت دراسة أمريكية حديثة أن السيدات اللاتي خضعن لجراحة زراعة ثدي يعتقدن أن الرضاعة الطبيعية سوف تغير من مظهر الثدي، وبهذا يكن أقل قدرة على إرضاع أطفالهن رضاعة طبيعية بأمان.

وقد أشار باحثون من الجمعية الأمريكية لجراحة التجميل أن عدد مرات الحمل وليس الرضاعة الطبيعية هي التي تتسبب في تهدل الثديين مع مرور الزمن.

وصرحت الدكتور نورما كروز عضو هيئة الجراحة بالجمعية الأمريكية لجراحة التجميل "إذا ما اعتقدت سيدة ما أن الرضاعة الطبيعية سوف تؤثر علي مظهر الثديين فهي تقلل من فرصها للنجاح في رضاعة أطفالها رضاعة طبيعية. لسوء الحظ هذا الفهم الخاطئ يكلف الكثير. يجب طمأنة الأمهات أن الرضاعة الطبيعية لن تؤثر في شكل الثديين كما أن لها فوائد صحية هامة على كل من الأم والطفل الرضيع" .

وفي هذه الدراسة قام الباحثون بدراسة عادة الرضاعة الطبيعية لـ160 سيدة ممن خضعن في السابق لجراحة زراعة ثدي. ووجدوا أن 86% من الأمهات الـ97 اللاتي فشلن في إرضاع صغارهن رضاعة طبيعية يعتقدن أن الرضاعة سوف تجعل مظهر الثدي سيئ. ويشير المسؤول أن هذا الفهم الخاطئ كان له الأثر المباشر على فرص نجاحهن".

وأضافت كروز: "يمكننا القول أن مرضى تزايد حجم الثدي سوف يهتمون بمدى تأثير الرضاعة الطبيعية على مظهر الثدي، ففي النهاية هؤلاء السيدات قد أنفقن الكثير من المال على هذه الجراحة. إلا أن الأدلة المتاحة تخبرنا أنه بالرغم من أن الثدي يكبر حجمه أكثر مع كل حمل، فإن الرضاعة الطبيعية لا تزيد من سوء الوضع مع السيدات سواء ممن خضعن لجراحة زراعة ثدي أم لا".

وأشارت وزارة الصحة الأمريكية إلى أن الرضاعة الطبيعية تساعد في تقوية العلاقة بين الأم والرضيع، كما أنها ترتبط بعدد من الفوائد الصحية للسيدات، بما في ذلك تقليل مخاطر الإصابة بالبول السكري وسرطان الثدي والمبيض والإحباط الذي يتبع الحمل والوضع.

كما أكد الباحثون أن لبن الأم يساعد الرضيع على بناء جهاز مناعي قوي يقاوم الأمراض.

Listeria in Cantaloupes: Deadliest Outbreak in a Decade

At Least 13 People Have Died From Cantaloupes Tainted With Listeria Bacteria

Sept. 28, 2011 -- The CDC says 72 people have been sickened and 13 have died as a result of eating cantaloupes tainted with listeria bacteria, making it the deadliest outbreak of food-borne illness in the U.S. in a decade.

State officials say they are investigating three more deaths -- one each in New Mexico, Kansas, and Wyoming -- that may also be connected to the contaminated Colorado cantaloupes.

The new numbers mean that the death toll has outpaced the number of deaths tied to an outbreak of salmonella in peanut products nearly three years ago. Nine people died in that outbreak.

According to the CDC, this is the third deadliest outbreak of food-borne illness since the agency began keeping records. In 1985, cheese contaminated with listeria killed 52 people. In 1998, listeria-contaminated hot dogs killed 21 people.

The melons involved in the current outbreak, "Rocky Ford" brand cantaloupes sold by Jensen Farms, were recalled on Sept. 14.

But health officials warn that that people may still have recalled melons in their refrigerators. They have also been used in some cut-fruit salads.

Unlike other many other kinds of food-borne pathogens, listeria bacteria can continue to grow despite the cold temperatures of a refrigerator.

"If they can't confirm that it's not Jensen Farms, then it's best to throw it out," said CDC Director Thomas R. Frieden, MD, in a news briefing on Wednesday.

Officials also say that because it can take weeks for people to get sick after coming into contact with listeria bacteria, they expect the number of deaths and illnesses linked to the melons to rise.

"The time between when you consume it and when you get sick is longer than it is for many other bacteria," Frieden said, "so people who consumed it some time ago may continue to develop illness in the coming days and weeks.

Depression: Helping Someone Get Treatment

Your loved one or friend doesn't seem the same. You thought it was the blues, but it's been going on for weeks. And it seems much worse than that.
If you want to learn more about grieving, see the topic Grief and Grieving. But if you think someone close to you is depressed, urge him or her to see a doctor.
This topic will give you the tools to do so.
Key points
  • Depression is a disease. It's not being lazy, and you can't "just get over it."
  • Depression is very common and is nothing to be embarrassed about.
  • The best thing you can do for someone who has depression is to help him or her get treatment.
  • Don't ignore talk about suicide. Talk to a doctor, or call 911 or emergency help if needed.
  • Treatment works, and there are many choices in treatment. Many types of health practitioners can treat depression.
  • Depression can be caused by another medical problem. Treating the problem may stop the depression.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

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